ML 2152

3.8 5 (1 Vote)
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Minh Long
The Journey Inside
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As life becomes more hectic, people increasingly value the importance of experiences and focusing on the present moment. The growing self-awareness of each individual enables us to be more discerning in adjusting our living environment, where everything must be within reach and convenient, flexible, and optimally serve our needs. Our choice of destinations, such as restaurants, cafes, stores, or parks, makes us feel like a part of the community. Conversely, businesses and services must also deeply consider the process of enhancing experiences for their customers because, in the end, experiences themselves generate sustainable values.

This design is also a journey of experience; the longer you look, the deeper you explore, the more intriguing it becomes. The arrangement of seemingly rigid straight lines forms a fluid and sophisticated flow. The tranquility and soothing nature of this design can manifest on walls or cabinet doors. It would also be perfectly reasonable to incorporate this pattern clothing to create an elegant, luxurious, and pure style.

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